The CAA Adult Field School
The Center for American Archeology is pleased to offer five weeks of focused field excavation and laboratory experience for undergraduate students, graduate students, and other adults interested in participating in an intensive archeological experience. Our field school is a great opportunity to gain or enhance your skills in excavation and laboratory processing.
The Site: During Summer 2009, the CAA will be working at TBGOK (The
Program: Participants may enroll for 1-5 weeks. Tuition includes room, basic field lunch (sandwiches, chips, etc.) each day, project-related supplies, and instruction; you’ll also get a one-year membership in the CAA! Breakfast & dinner are on your own. Participants will stay at one of the CAA’s bunkhouse-style dormitories; rooms are at minimum double-occupancy. Dormitories have refrigerators, microwaves, hot plates, and a BBQ grill. Participants are responsible for making their own transportation arrangements; the CAA can provide shuttle service to & from
1 Week: $550 3 Weeks: $1320
2 Weeks: $1100 4 Weeks: $1650
5 weeks: $2000
Limited scholarship support for women is available. Please follow the ‘Opportunities’ link on our main page at for application & deadline details.
Who May Enroll: Enrollees must be 18 years or older.
Is This Program Right For Me?: This program is for adults who are interested in improving their excavation and laboratory skills in a structured, intensive work environment. The majority of your time will be spent in the field, with evenings (and bad weather days) spent completing essential laboratory work. Reasonably fit individuals who are capable of working outdoors in hot, humid weather (shoveling, troweling, lifting, etc.) should be physically able to participate. Participants should be able to work collaboratively with others in an intensive, immersion-style learning & living community that emphasizes collegiality.
Credit for the Program: This program does not carry academic credit; however, we are happy to work with you if you petition your university/college for credit – we’ll supply supporting information and evaluation of your participation in the program. Many of our previous students have gone on to successfully earn credit for their work.
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Enrollment Process: Complete the Registration Form and return it to the CAA Office along with your 30% deposit or full payment. Scholarship applicants should not send a deposit with their enrollment forms.
Upon receipt of a completed Registration Form, we will send you a confirmation letter and a packet of additional information. Please note that your remaining tuition balance is due one week before the program begins.
What Forms Do I Need to Complete?: Registration Form, Assumption of Risk/Permission to Photo Form, Adult Medical Form. These are available from the “Registration Packet” link on the main page.
NOTE: Registration for the program closes one week prior to the start of each session. Enrollment is limited to 10 individuals per week.