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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Dig Spotlight: The Kozarnika Cave

Kozarnika Cave, Bulgaria - Since 1984, archaeologists have been excavating this cave and have discovered numerous artifacts dating from the Early Paleolithic (1.4 million years B.P.) through the Late Paleolithic (11,500 years B.P.), evidencing human presence in Southeastern Europe that arguably include the earliest traces of Homo Erectus ever found on the European sub-continent. Findings include stone tools and bone remains of prehistoric game in the lowest sequences, up to the more finely crafted flint assemblages, bone tools and ornaments of Homo sapiens sapiens (modern man). Although information is tentative at this point, Project Director Nikolay Sirakov of the Archaeological Institute and the Museum of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences plan to lead a team of scholars, students and volunteers to continue the work. The excavation season begins July 5, 2005 and ends August 5, 2005. The field school program includes courses in the documentation of flint and bone artifacts, an introduction to the South East European Paleolithic period, guided visits to museums, caves, and fortresses and eco-trails in both Sofia and the North West region of Bulgaria. The minimum length of stay for volunteers is 2 weeks, with a minimum age requirement of 18. The Project staff prefers that participants have previous experience with prehistoric excavations.

Participants will stay in double rooms at local family homes and meals will include two breakfasts, a lunch and dinner daily. For more information, write
info@balkanarchaeo.net, or visit the website.


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